[Updated 13th September 2021 at 12:35pm]
Please note the following SOPs which apply to all FC Kuala Lumpur training sessions from Wednesday 15th September onwards.
Failure to comply with the SOPs will result in a player not being allowed to attend classes.
Training Session SOPs
The following SOPs apply to all participants at FC Kuala Lumpur classes:
- All participants must be accompanied by a fully vaccinated parent or guardian
- All participants must be pre-registered
- Maximum of 1 parent/guardian per child
- Parents/guardians must remain off the artificial turf area at all times
- Parents/guardians to wear mask at all times
- Parents/guardians to maintain social distance at all times
- Parents/guardians will be responsible for their children in the case of an authority spot check
- All parents/guardians and participants must depart facility immediately after session has finished
- Participants who arrive early must wait in the car until 10 minutes before their session starts
Venue SOPs
The following SOPs apply to all visitors to The New Camp:
Before entering the pitch:
- Scan the MySejahtera QR code before entering
- Have your temperature checked at the designated stations
- Use the hand sanitiser provided at each entrance
- Face masks must be worn at all times (except for participants while training/playing)
- Practice social distancing at all times. Keep at least 1 metre apart and minimise interaction
During play/training:
- Bring your own bottles. Sharing of drinks will not be allowed
- Avoid intentional physical contact such as handshakes, fist bumps
- Continue to practice social distancing when stationary
- No group celebrations or photos allowed
After play/training:
- Please leave the premises immediately after your session
- Face masks must be worn at all times when leaving the premises
- Practice social distancing at all times. Keep at least 1 metre apart and minimise interaction
- Equipment and surfaces will be disinfected after every session